Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A blog post a day keeps the cobwebs away

This year, I've decided to join NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) which traditionally takes place in November.  The idea is simple--you post something every day for 30 days.  What?!?! you say.  Has she lost her job?  No, more like I might have lost a part of my mind, but actually, that's not it at all.

I'm a writing teacher (academic writing, you know, like compositions and stuff--not so creative).  I tell my students daily that the best way to be a better writer is to write often.  NaBloPoMo is exactly this kind of exercise--an exercise in perseverance that one hopes will lead to better writing. 

So I'm going to write. a lot. November is one of the most exciting months in our house as the twins birthday falls in November, Thanksgiving always leads to lots of interesting family drama that could be fun to read (I mean, who doesn't have drama surrounding Thanksgiving?), and Hanukkah falls early this year.  Yay.  Hopefully this means I'll have lots to say.

NaBloPoMo is a way for me to keep up with the practice.  If you get this blog through your email, feel free to just delete them as they come through every day, or browse and discard.  Whatever works, but don't feel obligated read all of my innane musings mostly stemming from the crap I think about while driving around all day.  It's shaping up to be a rocky month...


clueless but hopeful mama said...

Good for you! Can't wait to read....

One Photo said...

I shall read! Thank you for a great reminder - I have been in a funk with trying to write something for a prompt this week and was about to give up for the second week in a row, deciding the muse was not with me. But now I shall give it another go, because you are right, you only get better if you practice!

Organic Motherhood with Cool Whip said...

Awesome!!! I wish I could commit to do the same but since I'm already posting every day as that crazy little bugger, Baby Lucha, I think I would definitely lose my mind if I tried to post on my blog as well. But I totally agree. I think writing is best done when done regularly. I always feel like I have my best breakthroughs in writing when I am writing a lot. I look forward to reading your daily posts!!!