Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How could they/I ? let it get this way?

I am thinking that I need to call the producers of "Hoarders."  Intervention and Operation "Purge-A-Room" will be underway soon.  Stay tuned......


One Photo said...

I see lots of drawers beneath you can just slide all the detritus into :-)

Brittany at Mommy Words said...

I am in your boat here and have instituted operation get rid of 50% of our stuff. It is hard but I am so glad! Good luck!

clueless but hopeful mama said...

Is that really the worst you got?? Don't even ask me about the state of our "playroom"...

notmytree said...

Oh, it could always be worse. At least it's on shelves, not the floor. As a kid (well, okay, even now) my organizational mantra was "The floor is simply the biggest shelf in the house."